July 22, 2023
I’m not good enough because…
"I'm not good enough because..." "I'm not good enough" is a harsh subconscious limitation in…
July 22, 2023
How to choose the right therapist for you?
In a mental health crisis where society is in turmoil because of the opposition between…
July 22, 2023
What is therapy?
Nowadays, it is uncomfortable to use the word 'therapy' because it has been given unintelligible…
July 22, 2023
Psychological protection
What is a psychological attack? A psychic attack can be conscious or unconscious, a malicious…
June 6, 2023
Psüühiline kaitse
Mis on psüühiline rünnak? Psüühiline rünnak võib olla teadlik või mitteteadlik, pahatahtlik soov(nt omakasupüüdlik uudishimu)…
April 6, 2023
Mis on teraapia?
Tänapäeval on ebamugav kasutada sõna ''teraapia'', sest sellele on omistatud arusaamatuid tähendusi, mistõttu on tekkinud…